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Ambitious. Curious. Journalist.

This is my personal blog where you can walk in my stilettos to find out what I'm up to as an apprentice reporter at a newspaper company in Suffolk.
I graduated a year ago and I have finally found a little job where I'm getting paid to come into the office once a week, where I will build up the trust of sub-editors to carry out more and more tasks.
This will hopefully guide me on the right path to my ideal journalism career.
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I will appreciate all advice, as well as hopefully providing advice and open discussions to those who haven't a clue on where they will end up in the journalistic field...

People who are already successful journalists, please get in touch!

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

How to Write a Compelling Restaurant Review

The advent of the Internet has given rise to an ever-changing yet highly lucrative industry that is rapidly growing every day: review websites. From dog sitters to dentists, it seems there are websites to review just about anything you can think of. One of the biggest sectors of review websites is restaurants; there are endless restaurant review websites dedicated solely to helping consumers discover the best eateries near them (and avoid those that aren’t worth the money).
Millions of amateur foodies and casual diners alike have illustrated genuine consumer goodwill by taking to the web to share their best and worst eating experiences. If you’re eager to share your culinary hits and misses, here’s how to write a compelling restaurant review that can’t be ignored.
Offer Some Background – Be sure to offer as much information about the restaurant you are reviewing as possible, including location, phone number, type of cuisine, hours, etc. On many restaurant review websites you must add the restaurant to the site database (if it is not already there) and fill in any information the site asks for (like whether or not the restaurant serves alcoholic beverages or takes reservations). If another user posted inaccurate information – such as the wrong hours – change the information yourself or inform the website directly.

Give Both Pros and Cons – Maybe the food was less than stellar but was the service unparalleled? If your restaurant experience was riddled with both pros and cons, make sure you list both to provide readers with an accurate, well-rounded review.

Name Specific Entrees – Most restaurant-goers will appreciate specific recommendations and whether or not you loved or hated the food. Listing specifically what you ordered will help validate your opinions. Some review websites even have a spot where you can list exactly what dishes you ordered.

Evaluate the Entire Experience - While the food is obviously the main attraction of any restaurant, there are other factors that can greatly influence the overall dining experience including ambiance, décor and service are important to note. For example, how quickly did you receive your food and was the server attentive to your needs? Did the décor enhance or distract from the overall ambiance of the restaurant? Be specific as possible about the details of the restaurant.

Use Descriptive Adjectives – To really spice up your review (no pun intended), use descriptive adjectives. For example, instead of simply saying that the grilled chicken you ordered was “bad,” tell why it was bad; was it dry, bland, too salty, etc? Rest assured, you can never provide too much detail in a restaurant review.

Let Your Personality Shine Through – No one wants to read a boring, dull review of anything, let alone a restaurant. Furthermore, there is no added value or insight to your review if you simply copy what someone else has already written. Make your review highly personal and unique to you, using your own “voice;” readers will be much more interested and find your review helpful if it is genuine
Source: Katie Nielsen on http://restaurant-website-reviews.toptenreviews.com/how-to-write-a-compelling-restaurant-review.html

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